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Preferred On-Page SEO Technique

Preferred On-Page SEO Technique

What’s Your Preferred On-Page SEO Technique for 2023?

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing your web pages to rank higher and attract more relevant traffic from search engines. It involves improving both the content and the HTML code of your pages to make them more user-friendly and relevant to your target keywords.

On-page SEO is crucial for any website that wants to stay ahead of the competition and provide a great user experience. But with the constant changes in search engine algorithms and user behavior, what are the best on-page SEO techniques for 2023?

In this blog post, we will share 20 essential on-page SEO strategies that you should implement on your website in 2023 to boost your rankings and visibility.

1. Recognize Your Site’s Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that measure how fast, stable, and interactive your web pages are. They are part of Google’s Page Experience update, which will become a ranking factor in 2023.

Core Web Vitals include three aspects:

– Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): measures how long it takes for the largest content element on your page to load. The ideal LCP score is less than 2.5 seconds.
– First Input Delay (FID): measures how long it takes for your page to respond to the first user interaction. The ideal FID score is less than 100 milliseconds.
– Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): measures how much your page layout shifts during loading. The ideal CLS score is less than 0.1.

To improve your Core Web Vitals scores, you need to optimize your site speed, performance, and stability. Some of the best practices include:

  • – Using a fast and reliable web hosting service
  • – Minifying and compressing your CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files
  • – Using a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your static resources
  • – Optimizing your images and videos for web
  • – Using lazy loading techniques to defer loading non-critical elements
  • – Avoiding excessive ads, pop-ups, and banners that can cause layout shifts
  • – Using responsive design and proper font sizes to ensure readability

You can use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Google Search Console, or Lighthouse to measure and monitor your Core Web Vitals scores.

2. Optimize for Passage Ranking

Passage ranking is a new feature that Google introduced in late 2020. It allows Google to rank individual passages within a web page based on their relevance to a specific query.

This means that even if your page is not optimized for a certain keyword, Google can still find and rank a relevant passage within it.

Passage ranking can help you rank for more long-tail keywords and answer more user questions without creating separate pages for each topic.

To optimize for passage ranking, you need to make sure that each passage on your page has a clear topic, structure, and context. Some of the best practices include:

  • – Breaking up your content into short paragraphs with subheadings
  • – Using bullet points, lists, tables, or charts to organize information
  • – Highlighting key points with bold, italic, or underline formatting
  • – Adding internal links, external links, or citations to support your claims
  • – Using schema markup or FAQ snippets to provide structured data

You can use tools like Rank Math or Yoast SEO plugins to help you optimize each passage on your page.

3. Pay Attention to Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are special boxes that appear at the top of Google’s search results page (SERP) when users ask questions or look for specific information.

They provide quick answers or summaries from relevant web pages without requiring users to click through them.

Featured snippets can help you increase your click-through rate (CTR), traffic,

Blog Idea: 15 On-Page SEO Techniques to Boost Rankings

Briefly explain the importance of on-page SEO techniques in improving website rankings.

Highlight the significance of implementing these techniques to increase organic traffic and visibility.

  1. Keyword Research and Optimization

Explain the process of conducting keyword research to identify relevant and high-ranking keywords.

Discuss the importance of optimizing website content, meta tags, and headings with targeted keywords.

  1. Quality Content Creation

Emphasize the significance of creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content.

Discuss the impact of well-written content on user experience and search engine rankings.

  1. Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Explain the role of title tags and meta descriptions in attracting clicks from search engine results.

Provide tips on optimizing these elements with targeted keywords and compelling descriptions.

  1. URL Structure Optimization

Discuss the importance of having a clean and SEO-friendly URL structure.

Provide guidelines for optimizing URLs by including relevant keywords and avoiding unnecessary characters.

  1. Header Tags Optimization

Explain the significance of using header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure content.

Provide tips on optimizing header tags with targeted keywords to improve readability and SEO.

  1. Image Optimization

Highlight the importance of optimizing images for search engines.

Discuss techniques such as using descriptive file names, alt tags, and compressing images for faster loading times.

  1. Internal Linking

Explain the benefits of internal linking in improving website navigation and user experience.

Provide tips on strategically linking relevant pages within the website to boost SEO rankings.

  1. External Linking

Discuss the importance of external linking to reputable and authoritative websites.

Explain how outbound links can enhance credibility and SEO rankings.

  1. Mobile-Friendly Optimization

Emphasize the significance of having a mobile-friendly website in today’s digital landscape.

Provide tips on optimizing website design and responsiveness for mobile devices.

  1. Page Loading Speed Optimization

Discuss the impact of page loading speed on user experience and SEO rankings.

Provide techniques for improving website speed, such as optimizing images, minifying code, and leveraging caching.

  1. Schema Markup Implementation

Explain the concept of schema markup and its role in providing additional information to search engines.

Discuss the benefits of implementing schema markup to enhance search engine visibility and click-through rates.

  1. Social Media Integration

Highlight the importance of integrating social media platforms with the website.

Discuss how social signals can indirectly impact SEO rankings and increase website visibility.

  1. User Engagement Metrics

Explain the significance of user engagement metrics, such as bounce rate, time on page, and click-through rate.

Discuss how optimizing these metrics can positively influence SEO rankings.

  1. Regular Content Updates

Emphasize the importance of regularly updating website content to keep it fresh and relevant.

Discuss the impact of fresh content on search engine rankings and user engagement.

  1. Monitoring and Analytics

Explain the importance of monitoring website performance and SEO analytics.

Discuss the benefits of using tools like Google Analytics to track progress and make data-driven optimizations.


Summarize the key points discussed in the blog post.

Encourage readers to implement these on-page SEO techniques to boost their website rankings and improve organic traffic.

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